Sunday, 22 January 2012

Hi! I just wanted to show you...

Hi everyone! I just wanted to show you a new little blog I set up, my main blog will still defiantly be page-turner, this is just a small blog about my life! I hope you enjoy it!

Merry Weekend!

Beth x

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

India Dark by Kirsty Murray


A story of secrets, lies and lost innocence. MADRAS, 1910: Posey Swift and Tilly Sweetrick are caught up in a scandal that will change their lives forever. Singing and Dancing across a hundred stages as members of a troupe of Australian child performers, they travel by steam train into the heart of India. But as one disaster follows another, money runs short and tempers fray. What must the girls do to protect themselves, and how many lives will be ruined if they try to break free?


I usually don't settle for historical fiction - yeah, I like history, but sometimes certain parts bore me. But not this book! It is set in 1910 in India. A theatre company travels the world which leads to adventures, secrets and lies, and disasters that lead trouble for Posey and Tilly...

First of all, I must comment on the writing. It is exquisite. I loved the metaphors and descriptive language used, it is one of the reasons why I didn't want to put the book down. For example; the first line is "Daisy opened her mouth and lies flew out." Brilliant! Another teaser is:
"Her face so pink and white, her lips so plump and sweet, her lies so vile. I had to cover my ears. I shut my eyes too, wanting to block out the courtroom, to neither see nor hear the evil."
I love how it is so descriptive. The book made me feel like I was there, with Tilly and Posey. What makes it even better is that the book is based on a true story, so the events are even more thrilling if you are aware that this happened in reality.

I am not sure what age group to recommend it to. Some of the dialogue can be a bit young, not something people would say in real life. Sometimes I found the book hard to relate to, which made it at times not as gripping. During the middle I felt like I couldn't really be bothered to carry on reading it, like it was a bit of a chore. However, I am glad a did carry on because the ending is beautiful! I can also see why the author had to make the beginning a bit longer to go with the story.

India Dark has all different genres - romance, adventure, action, loneliness, dishonesty, friendship - so I guess lots of different people will enjoy this book. I may recommend this book slightly more to girls 8-14, because it is told from a two girls perspectives and about their lives.

If you are a historical fiction fan, this book is for you! This book takes not only the characters on a journey, but yourself too. I have been re-reading my favourite parts a lot, I didn't want it to end.

RATE: 4.5/5

Publisher: Templar
Publication date: 1st January 2012
Pages: 336
Edition: Paperback (ARC)
Source: For Review
To buy this book click HERE.

Review by Zoe.